Joe Rosenblatt
1933 -
works by
- The LSD Leacock (1966)
- Winter of the Lunar Moth (1968)
- Bumblebee Dithyramb (1972)
- Dream Craters (1974)
- Virgins and Vampires (1975)
- Top Soil (1976)
- Tommy Fry and the Ant Colony (1979)
- Loosely Tied Hands (1979)
- The Sleeping Lady (1980)
- The Brides of the Stream (1983)
- Poetry Hotel (1985)
- Escape from the Glue Factory (1986)
- The Kissing Goldfish of Siam (1989)
- Beds and Consenting Dreamers (1994)
- A Tentacled Mother (1995)
- The Rosenblatt Reader (selected poems and prose, 1962-1995) (1995)
- The Voluptuous Gardener (1996)
works on
- Fred Cogswell, "One Touch of Nature," Canadian Literature, no.40 (1969):71-72
- Frank Davey, "Joe Rosenblatt," From Here to There (1974)
- Ed. Jewinski, "Joe Rosenblatt," in Canadian Writers and Their Words (1983)
- Governor General's Award for Poetry in 1976 for Top Soil
- British Columbia Book Prize for Poetry in 1986
brief bio and picture from the writers' union of canada
Joe Rosenblatt
bio, poems, writing philosophy, published works, and contact info